30 Day Abs & Butt Challenge

30-day-ab-butt-challenge I’ve been in this funk lately with how my body looks since I had my son. 2 babies later and I’ve lost the weight from both babies but I seriously need/want to tone my saggy belly! I hate looking in the mirror at myself. ..and I can only imagine what my husband thinks lol. So what I have been doing is researching the most common exercises to help tone down my stomach and help lift my butt…that I don’t have so I guess I should say “grow my butt”?? lol.

Well anyways I have took it upon myself to create a FREE 30 Day Ab & Butt Challenge Printable to share with everyone. I plan to start it tomorrow morning! The reason I chose to make it a printable is because I like to have a physical list/calendar that I can mark the day off after I do it as a motivation to try and do the entire thing. I know from experience how hard it is to finish a 30 day regimen. lol.

This is my first time making a printable so I would really like some feedback on if I even did it right lol. I hope I did…I learned from a Pinterest tutorial lol.

If you use it let me know if you saw any results and if you like it 🙂 enjoy!
